Do both parents have to take the course?:
While a co-parenting team can greatly benefit from taking the course together, as both parties can be accountable, together, for building new communication habits, you can still get plenty of family benefits with only one participant. Just by changing how you respond to other family members and stressful situations, you can positively affect an entire family system. If you are putting positive changes into place, others will shift as well.
We do offer significant discounts for two parents to take the course together, and while live participation is HIGHLY encouraged for at least one parent, everything is recorded, so a co-parent with schedule conflicts can still participate in the online forum and digest all of the modules at times that are convenient for them.
How do I access the course content?:
When you sign up, we send you a link to create a username and password to the online course area of our website. Each week, we will email you the new module as well as instructions on how to dial into the weekly participation meeting from your computer or telephone. The weekly live classes are recorded and uploaded to the course page, so if you or your co-parent has a scheduling conflict, you or they can watch the recording at a time that’s more convenient. You will also be invited to an online forum for additional support and communication with Hilary and are welcome to send emails in advance of a live class to have questions addressed.
How do we conference together each week?
We use a private video conferencing room through an online service called, Zoom. You will be given a link and a number that you can dial in from a phone, or you can join the audio through your computer. It’s great to see everyone’s faces, but if you’re feeling a bit camera shy, you have the option of shutting your video off, through Zoom, and only share your audio with us, or just dial in from a telephone. If you’re in a noisy or public environment, you can use headphones, mute your audio and type questions in a chat box for privacy.
I’m not that technically savvy – will I still benefit from the course?
The content will be easily accessible, through downloadable Pdfs, links to videos that you can click on and watch at any time and a simple video conferencing system. Your benefit will come from follow through with activities and engagement on the weekly conference calls or in the online forum. Everything you need will be just a few clicks away, and we are here to support you with any tech concerns you might have.
What if everyone is talking over each other during the conferences?
I have over 15 years of experience in facilitating parenting groups. I am very skilled at making sure that everyone has a chance to participate, be heard and feel supported. I also have gentle ways to ensure that one person doesn’t end up dominating the discussion. The goal is always to make sure that the conversation is benefitting the group, as a whole. If a situation is particularly sticky for an individual and taking up a lot of group time, I might suggest that we move on and follow up with it in the online forum or in private emails.
I’m already in a contract with you or just recently finished a contract with you – how will this help?
Having a struggling teen can feel very isolating. It can be a challenge to share what’s going on in your life with people in your community, without fear of judgment. Our past participants have found the support within the group to be tremendously healing, as these are people who have been through the same or similar situations. They’re there to give support rather than judgment.
You are likely to hear familiar language and some familiar tools if you have already worked with me or Jen. However, we are constantly continuing our education and learning new ways to support the families we work with, and we continue to expand our tool kit. Repetition and continued practice, can help you to ingrain new habits. If our work together was when your family was in acute crisis, there might have been areas of growth that you weren’t able to prioritize. Your child might be older and having different issues than when we worked together. Now that you’re in a different place, you might be more ready to use what you’ve already learned and further advance your family’s growth and recovery.
I’m getting a divorce – should I take this course?
Absolutely! There are personal growth and communication skills that are useful in any relationship. You will likely continue to have to co parent your children and you can set personal goals through the course specific to your situation.
For example, while you might not follow through on the suggestion to spend more time together with your partner not talking about parenting, you might benefit from a goal that focuses on listening without judgment to your co-parent, which is great role modeling for your children and a stress decreaser for you.
We can also personalize goals for you specific to co-parenting in a split family. We will be teaching a course in 2017 on, “Parenting Through Divorce”, for which you can join the waiting list here.
If you are interested in benefitting from highly specific co-parenting divorce support, sooner than this other course is being offered, please contact us to learn about our individual parent coaching contracts:
I am a single parent without a co-parent…is this the right course for me?
While many aspects of this course would still be useful, it might be best if you participate in our “Managing Difficult Emotions” course, also in 2017, or contact me to discuss individual parent coaching options.
Will this be confidential?
Solutions Parenting Support is committed and agrees to keep your information confidential within our ability. The conference call system, Zoom, is not a “HIPAA Compliant” system though has its own privacy policy: Recordings are shared with current group participants only. They are not available to future course participants. While participants are asked to sign a statement keep each other’s information confidential, Solutions Parenting Support cannot be responsible or provide confidentiality guarantees. All of our past groups have been extremely supportive of each other’s need for privacy and, this is an emphasis of the course, but, ultimately, you are the person responsible for what you are comfortable with sharing. If you have specific concerns, please feel free to email me to discuss.
How will learning within a group environment help me? Shouldn’t I be in one-on-one coaching instead?
This is something for you to decide, based on your personal preference. However, we find that many struggling parents feel alone in the struggle and as such benefit from having a relatable community that understands the situation. In a community setting, you also open yourself up for increased learning and growth, as it is more vulnerable and can thus lead to increased resilience.
I’m tired of being in therapy. How will this help?
Many families come to us with fatigue around the therapeutic learning process. We have heard that our direct and humorous approach encourages families to stay engaged in their work and that they feel supported again, rather than just exhausted.
Will you be working with my child?
No. We want to protect this as a “child free” space so that parents carve out the personal time necessary for the important personal growth. Our philosophy includes “focusing on what you have control over” aka on the responsibility of the parents to practice new habits, as the stewards of their family community, in order to create positive shifts in the whole family.
We already have a lot of people on our therapy team, will this contradict the work we’re already doing?
I use tools and teachings from varying philosophies to deliver personal growth and goal focused parent coaching. It is possible that some information might conflict with your current team’s approach, and we invite you to share contradictory ideas to review with the course participants, in the hopes of deepening the learning. We find that families pick out morsels that fit for them, or habits that are true to how they want to live. In over 15 years of doing this work, I have not yet received feedback about contradictory guidance that negative impacts a family system.
My child isn’t in treatment and has never been in treatment, but I am worried about him/her.
Just like when you are the captain of a team or the president of a company, your attitude and skill set can trickle down and impact others. As a parent, you face so many challenges from managing homework and extracurriculars to discerning what’s age-appropriate vs what are concerning behaviors and questionable choices. This course can help you and your co-parent feel more confident in facing the predictable and unpredictable ups and downs as a solid team.
If you are unsure if this course is for you, feel free to contact us so we can help you decide.
What am I getting for the price I am paying for the course?
In addition to a 4 week course with content, activities, resources and a weekly group session to review content and ask questions of the facilitator and other participants, you are gaining 4 weeks of access to the facilitator, who is a trained and licensed clinician and skilled parent coach, with at least 16 years of experience. You will have contact first through a 1-1 call if you sign up for the course at least 2 weeks in advance, as well as ongoing access to the facilitator via the Facebook page dedicated to the course throughout the duration of the course and through email.
The return on investment for a commitment to wellbeing
Wellbeing, in your family, is something that pays dividends for the rest of your life. Our work helps parents find peace of mind and solid solutions, for even the most difficult situations. With that said, we understand that perhaps you might be feeling like you keep throwing money at a problem that isn’t going away. One thing that we can all be certain of is that whether it’s 10 days from now or 10 years from now, life will always have it’s ups and downs. The skills you learn in this course will transfer to multiple areas of your life and have a ripple effect in any relationship you choose to apply these to.
This course is not passive and does require an investment in wanting to make and sustain effective changes for the long-term. If you are willing to commit to doing the work, I am confident that you will feel that this was a huge value for its price. It’s significantly less than our individual coaching packages and we offer discounts to past and present clients.
What Makes Solutions Parenting Support Different?
Many courses at this same price point do not offer much contact with the therapist and are designed as completely self-study. Participants are left confused at how to apply clinical concepts to their everyday situations. This is not how I designed this course. I created this to be a highly interactive, intimate, educational and practical, so that I can give maximum support to everyone in it. I have extensive experience in wilderness therapy, parent coaching, transitional work for kids and clinical work. My detailed bio is available here.
What are the course dates?
Each week there will be a webinar with host Hilary Moses as well as other resources and suggested activities. Details will be emailed to you, and listed with the course material on the website.
Our weekly group video conference meetings will be held on Fridays, beginning November 18th, so that you have a week of time to review the content. Please carve out time for yourself and the group for our conference calls at 12pm-2pm* Pacific Time, which will be held on:
- November 18th
- December 2nd
- December 9th
- December 16th
The conference will focus on content review, group discussion, Q & A.
*Conference calls may not last the full 2 hours, depending on participation and attendance.
I’m ready! When do I need to register by?
Today would be great! Class starts on Friday, November 11, 2016. Use the registration form in the green bow below, or visit this page for more course details and registration information.